Apr 15 2024 40 mins
Twice per month, I go live in our private FB group to hold a Q&A Office Hour and Strategy Call. Each event includes a conversation about a strategy for utilizing content for practice growth.
Today's recording focuses on my controversial opinions about meal planning and the FAQs we receive about meal planning in practice. For the complete recording, you can visit our private Facebook group, Scale Your Nutrition Practice.
As a meal planning SaaS developer, RD, and culinary educator for almost three decades, I bring different perspectives [and strong opinions] to applying meal planning to evidence-based nutrition care.
As you listen to today’s episode, try to view the principles discussed from a practical perspective versus a theoretical one.
Most meal planning functions promise to solve YOUR theoretical problems [i.e. workflow, quick meal plan generation, data collection] but they often don’t translate well into solving your PATIENTS’ problems.
We'll cover:
- My 5 controversial opinions on meal planning and why
Content Cure:
Your Content Cure for this week is a 20-page ebook, Your Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning, that can support you in having a conversation about the use of meal plans with your patients and clients. This guide is editable and you can brand it and use it in your practice.
For full show notes, head over to livingplaterx.com
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