Jul 09 2024 15 mins
When working with students on their speech sounds, especially in a literacy-based approach, it’s important to incorporate books with those sounds for students to practice with. We spend a lot of our episodes going over books with specific themes or literacy concepts, so we wanted to dedicate a few episodes focusing on books with high-frequency speech sounds. The first speech sound is the /s/ sound. So, in today’s episode, we’re sharing our favorite /s/ sound picture books that you can use in your speech therapy sessions.
Resources Mentioned:
- Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes Narrative Notes
- Free Wordless Book List
- Episode 51, Dive into the Mother Bruce Books Series for Speech Therapy
- Book Search - S Sound
- Follow us on Instagram @literacybasedspeechtherapy
- Write your review on Apple Podcasts!
For the full book list and resources, head to the show notes: https://sweetsouthernspeech.com/podcast/s-sound-picture-books