Dec 02 2024 32 mins 4
Many of us won’t have heard of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), yet this affects around two children in every classroom in schools across the UK and can affect literacy, learning, friendships and emotional well-being.
DLD can mean a child has difficulties talking and/or understanding language. It’s important to understand DLD and the challenges that children with DLD face every day in and out of school as their difficulties can be hard to spot and may be ‘hidden’ for a long time.
Dr Hannah Hobson from the Department of Psychology at the University of York. Hannah has vast experience with neurodevelopmental conditions and has carried out extensive research into developmental language disorder.
We chatted with Hannah to find out more about this condition and it’s a fascinating insight into the challenges that some children in your child’s school will be experiencing right now.
Please take a listen and share with any friends who might be concerned about their child or someone they know.
Find out all about DLD at Speech and Language UK
Use Speech & Language UK’s Child Progress Tracker to give you an idea of how your baby or child is developing and whether you need some support or advice to help you.
Afasic Charity for lots of great fact sheets and resources
Find out more about Moor House School for children and young people with language disorders.
Afasic’s DLD Together, Online course for parents
Engage with DLD - connecting people experiencing DLD to academic research
Dr Hannah Hobson, Lecturer in Psychology. Hannah is a lecturer at the University of York where she directs the Masters in Development, Disorders and Clinical Practice. She leads the EMERALD lab, which stands for Emotions and MEntal health Research in Autism and Language Disorders, you can find out more about their work here
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Series 4 of the Family Health Podcast by Mini First Aid is sponsored by Things Happen, a trusted broker which offers the best financial advice to help parents and their families make informed decisions, ensuring a secure and tax-efficient future for their children.
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