Ever wondered what it's like to live in a haunted house? Well, Carissa and Jenny don't have to wonder, as they've both had firsthand experiences in houses with those strange and paranormal energies. So it’s no surprise, since Jenny and her family just moved into their renovated but very old home, she found a paranormal expert to come investigate!
In this Before&After episode, Carissa and Jenny dive into their spine-chilling experiences with haunted houses. And they get ready for a professional “ghost buster” to come inspect, cleanse, and bless the house!
Hear what happens during and after the cleanse…leading to a ceremony with drums, holy water, and a few surprises you won't believe! And find out if Jenny is living in a haunted house….again!
Topics Covered:
- (1:29) Weekly woowoo: Carissa’s small but sweet sign and Jenny’s dream that invited her to connect with nature
- (8:20) Jenny’s past encounters with haunted houses
- (16:07) How Jenny knew her current house needed a cleansing
- (22:18) Carissa’s haunted house experience in Florence, Italy
- (27:45) The process of blessing Jenny’s house and her deeper connection with the positive energy
- (36:23) A cleansing and protection ceremony that included a drum, holy water, and incense
- (49:08) The rich history of Jenny’s town and ghost stories from her community
- (55:01) Haunted house stories pulled from Jenny’s Instagram
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