Aug 28 2023 30 mins
Have you ever wanted to start a business or purchase something but couldn’t afford it? Fintology is a tool that uses AI technology to deliver lending solutions to you regardless of your credit score!
Today we are back with our last episode of Season 1 of Big Boss Energy !!!! I cant believe we have had such an amazing first round and I am looking for everything in Season 2.
We are so honored to interview Tori Porter to close out the season. He came from humble beginnings in Memphis, TN and has made a way for himself trailblazing the industry beginning with an extensive real estate portfolio that later led him to create his own SaaS company called Fintology which is an AI tool that helps individuals get lending for their businesses in traditional and untraditional lending methods. The AI studies the individual and is able to recommend the best lending options to allow individuals to gain access to more capital.
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Guest Socials :
IG : @richporter
Podcast Socials:
IG - @bigbossenergypodcast
Youtube: @kaylaburke
Host Socials:
IG: thekaylab_
Threads: thekaylab_
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