Feb 19 2025 27 mins
All the wool is a vlog all about handspinning yarn, processing wool, knitting, owning a wool mill, farm life and everything in between.
To watch this episode on YouTube
This episode starts answering the age old question, does wool freeze? Then onward to the wool mill where we wash and card up different wool types. Plus unboxing wool fleeces I received in the mail and of course a little bit of handspinning wool roving on an Ashford traditional spinning wheel.
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The retreat was hosted by Andrea and Madeleine of the Fruity Knitting podcast. Watch, subscribe, and support them on Patreon https://www.youtube.com/@FruityKnitting
Free hand spinning resources - " Ewethful's Wool School"
For details and to purchase the online course to learn to handspin on wheel
For details and to purchase the online course to learn to spin longdraw
Shop for Ewethful handspinning fibers
Affiliate link if would like to support me while buying from these companies
Mission at Ewethful:
My mission at Ewethful Fiber Mill is to fill making hands with small batch American grown yarns and fibers. I strive to produce lightly processed products that maintain their character, have low environmental impact and tell the stories of the animals and shepherds from whence they came.
Find me at:
@ewethfulfiberfarm https://www.instagram.com/ewethfulfibermill/
EwethfulFiberFarmandMill https://www.facebook.com/ewethfulfiberfarmandmill
Ravelry group: Ewethful Fiber Farm & Mill
Blogging at http://www.beingewethful.com/