Jul 03 2023 8 mins
In a world where entrepreneurs are burned out from spending thousands of dollars on shit they don't even need that left them feeling even more like a failure, a new wind is about to blow. 🌬️💨
From the brilliant mind that brought you an entire business strategy based on fucking around and finding out, and a pug named Steve Buscemi, comes "From F*ck Me to F*ck Yeah," a journey to help get your head outta your ass and stop torturing yourself with your business.
Meet Kristen King, your new favorite bad influence. You definitely want Kristen to rub off on you.
But you don’t have to take her word for it. Kristen’s clients, colleagues, and friends are happy to tell you alllllll about her in this epically silly, delightfully heartfelt, decidedly PG-13+ trailer. 🖕🏻
🎥 🎬 Check out the full magical experience on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9kpyi7b2j0 🎥 🎬
✨✨✨✨✨ Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite pod platform so you don’t miss the regular weekly episodes beginning July 20: https://bit.ly/fckyeahpod ✨✨✨✨✨
Massive thanks to everyone who contributed to this cinematic masterpiece, especially video-editing genius and voiceover provider Carlos de la Playa who pulled it all together.
Go follow these amazing, generous, hilarious humans on the socials. Instagram handle included for your convenience. In order of first appearance:
• Lori Krikorian (@lori.krikorian.coaching)
• Pete Sibley (@selfkindnesswithpete)
• Simone Seol (@simone.grace.seol)
• Carlos de la Playa (@carlosdelaplaya)
• Danielle Savory (@thepracticeofpleasure)
• Robin Keesler (@robinkeesler)
• Mary Wall (@marywall_coaching)
• Amanda Kingsley (@amandastarkingsley)
• Yael Daphna Saar (@yaelsaar)
• Caitlin Fisher (@caitlinlizfisher)
• Samantha Welter (@samanthalikestothink)
• Tsipa Swan (@tsipaswan)
• Coco Madari (@cocomadari)
• Mattia Maurée (@audhdflourishing / @thelongerroadpodcast)
• Désirée Ferrari (@parentingwithdesiree)
• Lynn Rogala (@aspaciouslife)
• Jenny Respress (@jennyrespress)
• Bryn Bamber (@bryn_bamber)
• Kara Gott Warner (@karagottwarner)
• Erin M. Battles (@erinisvalleyhappy)
• Brandi L. Moran (@brandi_moran_coach)
• Joy Ding (@heya_joy)
• Sarah Magnoni (@iamtherealsocialsarah)
• Cassie Colton (@cassiecoltonauthor)
• Suzanne Culberg (@suzanne_culberg)
• Ahuva Hershkop (@ahuvahershkop)
• Melanie
I’m Kristen King, and I’ve been a business coach since before business coaching was cool — since the early 2000s after my first solo business hit six figures less than 2 years out of college. Now, I teach coaches, therapists, healers, and other brilliant service-based entrepreneurs like you how to build their own unique fuck-yeah business.
There's more to me than being a multi-certified coach for kickass entrepreneurs. I'm also a certified hypnotist and a certified mental health and wellness facilitator with an MBA, a master's in publishing, and 15+ years of multi-industry experience.
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ WANNA KNOW MORE? ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Get your sweet ass onto my email list: https://bit.ly/kkemails
Not only are my emails awesome, but current clients and email subscribers get first crack at requesting topics for future episodes!
Connect with me on the socials: https://linktr.ee/kristenskoveking
Join the Fuck Yeah Entrepreneurs Society (F-YES): https://kristenking.com/fyes
Visit my website to learn more and find out how to hire me as your very own coach: https://kristenking.com
Wanna be on the show? Apply here: https://forms.gle/5VfWc...