Jul 27 2023 28 mins
FAFO means "F*ck Around and Find Out," and it's the best way I've ever found to make meaningful changes in all areas of life. Any time you catch yourself asking, "What if . . . ?" or saying, "I don't know how to . . . " that's a cue to bust out the FAFO method.
FAFO Step 1: Identify the question you want to answer.
FAFO Step 2: Pick a hypothesis to test.
FAFO Step 3: Design your experiment.
FAFO Step 4: Run the experiment.
FAFO Step 5: Conclude the experiment and document the results.
FAFO Step 6: Evaluate your results and draw a conclusion.
FAFO Step 7: Repeat.
For Step 6, here are some questions to help you evaluate the results and use what you learned:
- What did you SAY you were going to do?
- What did you ACTUALLY do?
- On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (completely), how closely did you follow the original plan?
- How do you feel about the difference between the original plan and reality?
- What helped you?
- What got in the way?
- How will you use what you learned in your next experiment?
You can think of the framework for change as a tripod or a three-legged stool.
You need all three legs or the whole thing falls over. In the context of change, that's what makes things "not stick" or "not work" — it's because we pulled a leg out. Maybe we forgot what we were committed to and bailed on the change. Maybe we got attached instead of staying curious and we got hung up in a key area. Maybe we changed the experiment so many times it stopped being FAFOing.
But when we use the FAFO method — and partner it with commitment and non-attachment — lasting, sustainable change isn't just possible, it's inevitable.
When the game you're playing is "f*ck around and find out," there is literally no way to lose. If you found out, you nailed it.
FAFO away!
Thanks to Samantha Welter for the unexpectedly perfect audio clip that fit so beautifully with this episode. Shared with permission of course!
Prefer video? Watch the video version of this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/BMJhLX_Ysuo
I’m Kristen King, and I’ve been a business coach since before business coaching was cool — since the early 2000s after my first solo business hit six figures less than 2 years out of college. Now, I teach coaches, therapists, healers, and other brilliant service-based entrepreneurs like you how to build their own unique fuck-yeah business.
There's more to me than being a multi-certified coach for kickass entrepreneurs. I'm also a certified hypnotist and a certified mental health and wellness facilitator with an MBA, a master's in publishing, and 15+ years of multi-industry experience.
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