Aug 10 2023 25 mins
When your brain goes to the worst case scenario, here are two steps you can take to stop the spin cycle and let yourself move forward — without shooting down the highway to Panictown with no exits in sight.
Learn how to ask a different kind of what-if question AND how to answer ALL your what-if questions.
Fear will stop you in your tracks. But when you master this sh!t, you become unstoppable, because you're no longer someone who's stopped by fear.
Mentioned in this episode:
- Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster, by Michelle Nelson-Schmidt (
- From Bankrupt to Badass with Kristen King (
If you want support with answering your what-ifs, join me on select Fridays all year long for live, first-come-first-served group coaching on F*ck Around Fridays. Find upcoming dates and reserve your spot at
And if you REALLY wanna go deep, book a private business intensive with me during the month of August 2023. We'll spend 2 hours together on Zoom focusing my 15+ years of expertise on any area of your business that’s lighting you up (or KEEPING you up).
Big projects, big decisions, major changes, big launches, strategy, and more — you’ll walk away with clarity on where you’re headed and a concrete plan to make it happen.
Normally my intensives are a half-day or a full day, with a price tag ranging from $3K to $10K USD. These mini sessions are 2 hours long, plus a week of email support afterward, for $500 USD. This is a limited-time offer.
Book your private intensive here:
Prefer video? Watch the video version of this episode on YouTube here:
I’m Kristen King, and I’ve been a business coach since before business coaching was cool — since the early 2000s after my first solo business hit six figures less than 2 years out of college. Now, I teach coaches, therapists, healers, and other brilliant service-based entrepreneurs like you how to build their own unique fuck-yeah business.
There's more to me than being a multi-certified coach for kickass entrepreneurs. I'm also a certified hypnotist and a certified mental health and wellness facilitator with an MBA, a master's in publishing, and 15+ years of multi-industry experience.
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