Feb 02 2025 65 mins
Time after time after time after time, Melissa had fallen prey to the hands of the hospital system in Canada, and their complete over management of the birthing process, as well as their complete lack of humanity when it comes to such a sacred event. Then, thinking having a home birth with midwives would be worlds better, she was still left fighting for herself every step of the way through her pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Then, she experienced a series of losses that nobody should have to bare, and instead of getting the sympathy and respect she more than deserved, she was simply seen as a case to be handled and a box to be checked, when she was going through one of the most gut wrenching experiences of her life. Finally, for her eighth live birth, she desired to have the empowered, faith led, free birth of her dreams, if only God would allow it.
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