Apr 30 2024 57 mins
For Episode #19 of the Social Block, we ventured back into the space of Web3 gaming to complete our quest to learn its value. Our guide was Can Picak, CEO and Co-founder of DIGA Labs and popular Web3 game development company – Eldarune.
Can and Magy teamed up to complete the following quests together (just kidding, they just talked about these topics):
🧩 Why interoperability is a vital feature for Web3 games.
🎮 How gaming will be a profession in the future far more than it already is now.
🇹🇷 The crypto scene in Turkey.
🏙️ Is Big Tech moving into Web3, and if so, how 🧐?
⏳ Will the Bitcoin halving affect the Web3 gaming sector in the long term?
Extra Links:
Eldarune: https://www.eldarune.com/
Can’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/canpicak/
And finally, follow Magy and the Social Block:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@social.block
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HristovaMagy
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