Dec 01 2024 88 mins
After a harrowing repair job, the team gets to take a rest and talk about the things they learned while separated at the tea party. They experience some flashbacks due to lost notes and then explore the rest of the watch, finding potential ingredients for the legendary Vorpal Blade along the way. Once they exit the watch, the crew is put on the spot to think up their well earned titles, which is harder than you’d think.
Game Master...Celine Trella
Malcolm Glass...Jake DiBlasi
Quip Buttfore…Sean Dougherty
Stevie Harrington…Monica Galarza
Korvis…Ted Sikora
Theme Song...Ryan Logan
Score...Jake Diblasi, Rafael Miranda, Justyn Trella, and Kevin O'Leary, Monument Studios
Editor...Sean Dougherty
Audio Producer…Celine Trella
Cover Art...Matt Macri
Character Art...Steph Catalioto
Sound Effects…Monument Studios