Jan 08 2025 68 mins 61
This week we entered the archives and poured through the codices and scrolls containing the wisdom of past episodes to give you this curated trash can of Ideology. We highlighted some themes from the past six years of podcasting that we thought were worth underscoring and how our ideas may have changed...
Our Underlying Philosophy of Dialectical Pessimism
- S1/Ep5: Pessimism of the Intellect, Pessimism of the Will
- S1/Ep26: The Proper Amount of Bumming People Out
- S4/Ep7: Death of The Left
- S5/Ep21: Pessimism is an Optimism: Revisiting Pessimism
Making Sense of Our Past
- S1/Ep27: Children of the Counterrevolution
- S3/Ep12: The Enlightenment is Dead, Long Live the Enlightenment
- S3/Ep22: The Unfulfilled Potential of the Republic
- S4/Ep3: The Tragedy of American Socialism
Rethinking What It Means To “Be” Revolutionary
- S1/Ep18: The Right to the City
- S2/Ep8: We Would Prefer Not To
- S5/Ep15: The Legacy of William Morris
- S6/Ep15: The Antifascism of Fools
A Willingness to Abandon Our Older Trajectory
- S4/Ep20: Labor Theory of Apocalypse
- S6/Ep5: One Plus One Is Three
- S6/Ep16: The Boys Figure Out Which Marxist Tendency is Correct
- S6/Ep19: To Front or Not to Front
The Major Obstacles/Challenges We Face
- S3/Ep5: Happiness Industry Socialism
- S3/Ep17: Everything Is Recuperated
- S5/Ep9: You're Not Making Liberals Socialist...
- S5/Ep19: The Dialectic of Degrowth
Our Deep Skepticism/Hostility Toward Techno-Solutions
- S1/Ep31: The Future Has Been Canceled
- S2/Ep2: Partially Automated Regular Communism
- S2/Ep5: Socialism Without Sacrifice...
- S4/Ep4: No Ethical Technical Innovation Under Capitalism
Looking Ahead
- S4/Ep11: Marxism in Dialogue With Christianity
- S5/Ep12: The Dialectic of Apotheosis
- S5/Ep16: Bathing in the Warm Stream
- S6/Ep22: Real Grouchy Old Man Hours
Regrettable Reading List:
- The Red Jacobins: Thermidor & The Russian Revolution in 1921
- Party As Articulator
- The Tragedy of the Worker
- Revolution: An Intellectual History
- Left Wing Melancholia
- Excremental Happiness: From Neurotic Hedonism to Dialectical Pessimism
- Liquid Modernity
- The True and Only Heaven: Progress & Its Critics
- The Twittering Machine
- Hegel & The Hermetic Tradition
- A Primer on Utopian Philosophy: Marxism & Utopian Struggle