Jun 28 2023 14 mins 14
It is the year 2010, and the crew of the Constellation, the Earth's first space mission to the moon, prepare for launch. Billions of people around the globe are glued to their radios as the Constellation, powered by the new wonder fuel, delirium, prepare for take off. On board the Constellation are their mission leader, Professor Eleanor Darrow, her beautiful yet brilliant daughter Doctor Pat Darrow and their flight engineer, Wrench McTavish. But unknown to those on Earth, the mysterious red planet Mars has being watching the Earth's space program for decades, watching and waiting, patiently. Gregorius, the evil dictator of Mars, schemes to capture the Earth people and learn their secrets of delirium, which unknown to those on Earth, is the most powerful form of energy in the known universe. But as the Constellation prepares to approach the moon, disaster strikes! Will the Earth people perish, or will they be captured by the Martians who are waiting on the dark side of the moon for them?