Experience Stoic literature first-hand by listening directly to the audiobook of Mediations by Marcus Aurelius.
Book 8 of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius contains absolute banger quotes such as:
8:16 "Remember that to change your opinion and to follow him who corrects your error is as consistent with freedom as it is to persist in your error."
8:22 "Attend to the matter which is before you, whether it is an opinion or an act or a word."
8:33 "Receive [wealth or prosperity] without arrogance, and be ready to let it go."
8:36 "Do not disturb yourself by thinking of the whole of your life. Do not let your thoughts at once embrace all the various troubles which you may expect to befall you.."
But don't let us decide which quotes are worthy of your thought and attention; listen and directly find the quotes that most resonate with you on your Stoic journey to building wisdom and character!