Mar 10 2025 66 mins 2
The advice and support that we receive in the early days of breastfeeding can have a profound impact on our journey. My guest today, Abby, had an experience with an unnamed IBCLC that really knocked her confidence, and could have had dire consequences, had she followed the incorrect advice she was given.
Abby discovered that she had inverted nipples while preparing for the arrival of her son, Yardley, but she managed to find some adaptations that worked for her and initially feeding was working for both of them. When she then started to feel some pain when nursing, she visited an IBCLC for advice. What she got was an alarming consultation in which her concerns were not listened to, her supply was inaccurately assessed, and she left feeling fearful and confused. Luckily, in this case, Abby was able to find other support from her sister and other practitioners that she follows online.
Abby is sharing this story with me having just finished her training as a peer supporter. We both feel that these experiences should be shared to help those of us who work with nursing parents to understand what bad practice is, and to see the impacts it can have on parents.
My latest book, ‘Supporting the Transition from Breastfeeding: a Guide to Weaning for Professionals, Supporters and Parents’, is out now.
You can get 10% off the book at the Jessica Kingsley press website, that's using the code MMPE10 at checkout.
Follow me on Twitter @MakesMilk and on Instagram @emmapickettibclc or find out more on my website
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This podcast is presented by Emma Pickett IBCLC, and produced by Emily Crosby Media.