Mar 07 2024 17 mins
In this episode, Kristi Hammerle introduced herself as a physical therapist and certified lactation consultant who owns Year One Wellness. She helps babies from birth to walking with issues like tongue-tie, flat head syndrome, and feeding difficulties. Kristi explained how tongue-ties restrict tongue mobility and can cause feeding issues. She assesses the tightness of surrounding neck and mouth tissues that connect to and restrict the tongue. Physical therapy treats these areas to improve range of motion before and after tongue-tie releases. Kristi detailed how motor skills develop from head to toe, so early restrictions from tongue-ties can delay skills. Babies compensate at first but struggle with higher skills like crawling and walking without optimal earlier development. Kristi emphasized physical therapists improve oral motor skills, neck flexibility, and breastfeeding positions. They collaborate with lactation consultants and other providers to set families up for breastfeeding success. Kristi sees babies before releases to address tissue tightness and ensure coordination for new mobility.
Meet Kristi:
Dr. Kristi Hammerle, PT, DPT, CBS is a pediatric physical therapist and certified breastfeeding specialist. She is the owner of Year One Wellness, an infant-specialty practice in Austin, TX where her team works with babies with feeding difficulties, torticollis, body tension, head flattening, and trouble with milestones. One of her passions is educating the community on the benefits of optimal development for all babies, so you can join her at her local baby play classes where she will share activities and strategies to promote purposeful play, healthy communication, and motor development throughout YEAR ONE and beyond! She also spends her extra time teaching at a doctor of physical therapy program, presenting on cutting-edge pediatric topics at professional conferences, and running her therapist mentorship program.
Connect with Kristi:
Instagram: @yearonewellness
Connect with Bethany at:
Instagram: @BethanyLovern
TikTok @Breastfeedingrelief
Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.
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