Apr 04 2024 27 mins
In this episode, Gigi emphasizes the importance of preparing for postpartum, recommending adding doula services, lactation education, massage, and supplies like loose clothing and food delivery to registries. Gigi details her differing breastfeeding experiences with each child, from challenges latching her first to an anxious pumping routine with twins during the pandemic's isolation. Gigi advocates adding services over products to registries, suggesting doula support, belly binding lessons, and meal deliveries. Gigi recommends a few bottles in small sizes, nursing pads, nipple butter, and a haakaa, warning against fast flow nipples. Gigi stresses finding an IBCLC prenatally and educating grandparents to support breastfeeding, not undermine it with misguided bottle practices.
Meet Gigi
Gigi Vincent is a postpartum doula, newborn care specialist, and lactation educator who is committed to shifting the disparity between the amount of focus most families place on birth versus preparing for the fourth trimester. A strong advocate of preparing for postpartum by investing in maternal support instead of fancy baby equipment, Gigi empowers families so that once baby arrives, they can focus on resting and bonding, instead of researching and stressing. Knowing there isn’t one right way to have and raise a tiny human, Gigi works with parents as they find their way to thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.
Connect with Gigi
Instagram - @a_simple_home
Connect with Bethany at:
Instagram: @BethanyLovern
TikTok @Breastfeedingrelief
Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.
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