Apr 08 2024 25 mins
When we become mothers, we begin the transformation that is matrescence. One of the most challenging areas of change we may experience is psychological change. From the change in the way we see ourselves, our lives, and how others see us, to changing values, priorities, and perspectives - these changes can be disorienting or empowering!
Join us as we explore what this can look like and explore the spectrum of change that we can fall on.
For more information on matrescence, check out episode 3 here:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1TpDt4HNjMS5kMLLThFBfj?si=WuPiOYEhSzGhucbctq9o4w
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/becoming-mama/id1708292747?i=1000630578466
For support through matrescence and navigating these challenges here are some of our favorite resources:
We want to hear your birth and motherhood stories! Click here to be on the podcast or to have your story read by us!
Have a guest you want on the show or a topic you want us to discuss?
Please email us your suggestions at [email protected]
Emmy - @emmy_kissinger
www.arrivalsotires.co for birth story listening services
Sam - @samthomsonhall
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@_welcomemama