Sep 23 2024 49 mins
Back to school is a Mother! The start of a new school year can be a whirlwind of emotions for both parents and kids, especially when starting at a new school. We can spend all the time in the world planning and preparing, but the reality is that sometimes things don’t pan out the way we expected.
On episode 20 of ___ Is a Mother, we’re sharing how our boys are adjusting to their new schools, the tears and triumphs we’ve gone through thus far, and how we, as parents, are balancing our new routines while trying to maintain our own self-care. Some of the talking points we go over in this episode include:
- An update on how our little ones are adjusting to the transition into a new school.
- The challenges of making sure our kids are eating well and sleeping enough as they navigate their increased independence.
- Predictions we have for our kids by the end of the school year.
- How we as parents are managing our own routines and maintaining (or not maintaining) our self-care.
Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please share on Instagram and tag us! Follow, rate, and review the podcast, and tell us your key takeaways. If there are topics you would like us to discuss in a future episode, we’re all ears. Thanks for being part of our inner circle and an important part of this community. Go call your best friend!
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Ep 18: Kindergarten Readiness is a Mother
Ep 13: Self-Care is a Mother
10 Questions to Ask Your Kid Instead of, “How was School?”
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