Jun 21 2024 52 mins
Could moderate sun exposure actually be good for you? What if the sun isn’t the villain it's made out to be? In this eye-opening episode of the K6 Wellness Revolution podcast, we challenge the widespread myths surrounding sun exposure and skin cancer. Learn how moderate morning sunlight can aid in vitamin D synthesis, regulate your circadian rhythms, boost your mood, and enhance your immune function. We shed light on the biases in mainstream media and big tech, and guide you through the benefits of red and near-infrared light, particularly during early morning hours.
Discover the hidden financial interests behind the global sunscreen market and conventional skin cancer treatments. We discuss alternative sun protection methods such as building a "solar callus" to develop a natural tolerance to sunlight. Understand the pitfalls of chemical-laden sunscreens and the importance of genetic testing for individual cancer susceptibility. We also address the negative effects of constant blue light exposure from screens and question the modern vilification of the sun.
Finally, we guide you through practical tips for safely enjoying the sun, from monitoring skin health using the ABCDE method to understanding the interconnectedness of good sleep, reduced anxiety, and overall better health. Explore the therapeutic benefits of sun exposure, including grounding and toxin elimination through sweating. Embrace safe sun exposure with informed decisions and proactive health measures. For more insights and resources, visit k6wellness.com. Your health is worth fighting for—so protect it wisely and bask in the sun safely!
- Sun is the most sustainable source of vitamin D3 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9131791/
- Benefits of UV radiation - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.4161/derm.20013
- Malignant degradation of scars - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7585506/#:~:text=For%20the%20last%20decades%2C%20many,to%20be%201%E2%80%932%25.
- Happy Lamps - https://verilux.com/collections/happylight-therapy-lamps-boxes
- Carcinogens in sunscreen - https://www.livescience.com/sunscreen-carcinogen-benzene.html
- Rate your sunscreen if you’re unsure on the quality of ingredients - www.ewg.org
This is not medical advice – we do not diagnose or prescribe. This conversation is for educational purposes only. Please seek advice from your health practitioner.
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