Oct 30 2024 29 mins 14
When we last left Captain Flashman, Eve Arden, Dr Krakow and Captain Credo, they’d been captured by the evil Queen Cerulean and her Chief Magician Carl. While Eve and Captain Credo were sentenced to evil kitchen duties, Captain Flashman’s was drugged with both Forgetium, the drug of forgetfulness and Amourae, the love drug. Eve and Captain Credo then correctly guessed that Captain Flashman had been drugged and attempted to poison Queen Cerulean to free Captain Flashman from her evil nefarious grip. After the plot failed, Cerulean ordered Carl to punish Eve with his electric whip. Will the double-drugging of Captain Flashman doom him to be the love slave to Queen Cerulean? Will Eve survive Carl’s electricity based retribution? And will Captain Credo languish in a perpetual state of evil kitchen prep? Listen in to find out the answer to these and many other questions.
This episode stars:
Gene Abella as Captain Credo
Melyssa Ade as Little Chester and Queen Vulkaren
Sam Agro as The Announcer and Chief Magician Carl
Sean Browning as Captain Flashman and Major Tom
Dave Healey as The Stuffed-Up-Sponsor and the Guard
Laura Kyswaty as Queen Cerulean
Vicki Jenkins as Dr Krakow
Ann McDougall as Eve Arden
Music by Jeff Rosenthal
Produced, Directed and Written by Dave Healey
Episode Recorded, Mixed and Soundscape Design by Dave Healey
Intro and Outro Theme designed by Dave Healey and Dylan Shropshire and Mixed by Dylan Shropshire.
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© Dave Healey 2024
Captain Flashman Fighting Evil Since 2023