Jul 05 2024 111 mins 1
Greetings fellow witches, wizards, warlocks, and everything in between! In this episode I will be summarizing my recent experiences being both a contender as well as a judge at the Sorcery Spring Social event in Baltimore, MD this past June. I will also be joined by a very special guest, Courtesan Cup 2024 champion CJ, as we discuss his experiences at the cup and then deep dive into his infamous Roots of Yggdrasil deck, "Ragnarok." Enjoy!
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*Check out the draft deck that landed me my first 3-0 win in Baltimore:
*Check out the latest Arthurian Legends previewed cards and art:
Camelot: https://sorcerytcg.com/news/arthurian-legends-first-look-camelot-by-jeff-a-menges
Keening Banshee: https://sorcerytcg.com/news/arthurian-legends-first-look-keening-banshee-by-alan-pollack
Siege Giant: https://sorcerytcg.com/news/arthurian-legends-first-look-siege-giant-by-truitt-parrish
Mesmerism: https://sorcerytcg.com/news/arthurian-legends-first-look-mesmerism-by-drew-tucker
Power of Flight: https://sorcerytcg.com/news/arthurian-legends-first-look-power-of-flight-art-by-severine-pineaux
Sir Yvain: https://sorcerytcg.com/news/arthurian-legends-first-look-sir-yvain-art-by-vincent-pompetti
*Check out CJ's Roots deck Ragnarok:
*Check out CJ's YouTube channel Old Fashioned Nerds:
*Check out Spencer's YouTube channel Sorcerer's Quest:
Official Podcast Discord server:
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And as always, stay contested.
Chapter Markers:
00:02:14 News & Highlights
00:22:46 Summarizing the Sorcery Spring Social
00:35:01 Interview with CJ- Introductions
00:44:57 Interview with CJ- Discussing the Spring Social Event
01:11:46 Interview with CJ- Roots Deck Breakdown
01:47:31 Card Highlights