375: Eat Less, Move More is Horrible Advice

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Sep 05 2024 51 mins  

'Eat Less, Move More' - you've heard this right? It seems like it's just the accepted advice if you want to lose weight - but is this good advice for runners? We explore the negative impacts of calorie restriction on active individuals, discussing how it can lead to decreased performance, muscle loss, and hormonal imbalances. Emphasizing the importance of properly fueling the body, especially for female runners and those in perimenopause or menopause, we highlight why runners need to rethink conventional dieting wisdom and focus on balanced energy intake to support their activity levels and overall health.

00:46 The Misconception of 'Eat Less, Move More'

07:21 Understanding Metabolism and Energy Needs

08:14 The Impact of Diet Culture on Active Individuals

17:54 The Importance of Matching Energy Intake with Energy Output

20:49 Nutrient Timing and Fueling Strategies for Runners

27:02 Banana Burps and Energy Metabolism

27:27 Understanding Low Energy Availability (LEA) and RED-S

31:28 Fueling for Performance: Avoiding Common Pitfalls

34:03 Intermittent Fasting: Pros and Cons

40:27 Keto Diet: Is It Right for You?

41:30 The Dangers of Calorie Restriction

46:25 Fueling Your Body for Performance

Join me for a free workshop: The 3 Essential Ingredients To Run Strong, Improve Energy, and Lose Fat in Perimenopause Without Training More or Cutting Calories

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