Dec 12 2024 34 mins
2024, what a year it's been!
For some it's been peak, for some it's been an absolute shit show.
And for me - it actually been a mix of both - some very high highs and some brief shit show moments, in steep peaks and troughs.
And thankfully, just like a Disney film, it's rounded out with a few great lessons, some overarching morals and ofcourse, a positive, thought provoking ending!
So this week I'm sharing my 2024 with you - my year that was.
So grab yourself a festive beverage, dear listener, get comfy and let's get into it.
Now if you're wanting some support to bring your vision for 2025 to life - my love, let's work on this together!
Find out more about 1:1 mentoring or join our Bloom-Print Membership and let's get clear and consistent with your plans for 2025 and keep you on track to achieve them!