Permaculture with Hannah Maloney from Gardening Australia

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Mar 27 2024 48 mins  

Hannah Maloney has perhaps the most enviable job in the world - and she knows it - as a presenter on Gardening Australia which she calls a "dream gig".

Hannah's journey to the small screen however started in, inner city Brisbane where her parents had a small herb nursery. Leaving this behind at 18, Hannah travelled the country (and world) ending up right back where she started - working on small scale farms and this led her to the world of permaculture.

Hannah now lives in a pink house on a hill, overlooking Hobart, TAS which she shares with her husband and daughter as well as a menagerie of goats, chickens ducks and bees.

Hannah set up her company "Good Life Permaculture" to allow her to bring education on permaculture (which she is formally trained in) to those searching for it with the aim of developing community and designs that helps create good lives and landscapes.

She is a best selling author and self described activist and in this podcast talks about her journey, what permaculture is and how that transcends from the garden through to everyday life. She also tells us of how what she does is led by her values and how "having fun" and "doing things that make her smile" is a conscious part of her philosophy - something which led to her pink house and pink hair.

Hosts: Sam Baff and Jayde Timms from Grown Not Flown
Guest: Hannah Maloney - Good Life Permaculture and Gardening Australia.
Instagram: @goodlife_permaculture