The devil is in the details. This episode of Construction is Hard takes a look at the perils of runaway detailing budgets.
You probably know a Two Week Thomas. Ask him how much longer he’s on a project, and he’ll always give the same answer: Two weeks.
“He becomes the guy in the trailer and he's doing all kinds of things. He's emptying the garbage, you know, he's keeping the copier full of paper. He's sweeping the floors.
He's doing everything, right? He’s running out in the field to answer field questions. He has no real incentive to come off the job. They need him there. He knows he's needed there.”
He’s sinking your detailing budget.
This season is all about "lumps of coal," AKA actionable insights that can lead to better business outcomes. For more about Two Week Thomas and life before AutoCAD, listen to the latest episode of Construction is Hard.
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