Dec 02 2024 21 mins
Hi mama, just a heads up that this is another replay episode, one that I think is super relevant as we 1) often think we have to be doing it all during the holiday season and 2) head into the new year and feel tempted to set a lot of new goals that are actually unattainable. I hope this episode helps set you up for success throughout these next two months while reminding you that you are doing enough and that you are enough.
Feeling like you’re on the edge of burnout? Constantly overwhelmed? Not able to give 100% to any of the roles you play day to day? Mama, it might be time to drop a ball. On this week’s episode of The Resting in Motherhood Podcast, I’m sharing how I finally came to terms with the fact that something had to change in this season of motherhood – my hardest season yet. I was juggling mothering a toddler, solo parenting, running a business, and dealing with family health issues. I felt like I was disappointing myself and the people I care about. I had to choose what mattered most and focus my attention there. But how do you go about this process? Listen in to hear my story!
You can view the episode’s original blog post here.
Connect with me on Instagram: @resting_in_motherhood or visit the show’s site here.
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The Resting in Motherhood Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.