Feb 07 2025 31 mins
In this episode of Curious for Christ, we sit down with Robert Carrillo to explore his powerful journey from hardship and violence to finding purpose and spiritual growth through the way of Jesus. Robert shares how his early experiences in gangs and exposure to violence shaped his desire to make the world a better place. Through his testimony, we see how God’s transformative power can take pain and turn it into purpose.
In this conversation, Robert discusses spiritual maturity, the importance of connecting with God, and practical steps for growing in your faith. If you’ve ever struggled with doubt, felt distant from God, or wondered how to deepen your relationship with Him, this episode is filled with wisdom and insight that will inspire and encourage you.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
• Robert’s personal faith journey, including key moments that shaped his relationship with God.
• Insights on the biggest struggles churches face today regarding spiritual connection and maturity.
• What spiritual maturity means and key steps to grow as a disciple of Jesus.
• Advice for those feeling spiritually stuck or wrestling with their faith.
• How serving others can help heal and deepen your connection with God, along with lessons learned from Robert’s work with HOPE worldwide.
• Practical tips for strengthening your faith, even if you’re battling self-doubt, anxiety, or trust issues.
• Learn more about The Way Ministry: https://www.thewayministry.global/
• Connect with Robert Carrillo on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thewayministry.global
• Learn about HOPE worldwide and discover how you can make a difference: https://www.hopeww.org/
Scriptures Shared in the Episode:
1. Psalm 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God.”
• Robert reflects on how stillness allows us to hear from God and deepen our connection with Him.
2. Luke 10:38-42 (The Story of Mary and Martha) – “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed…”
• A lesson on prioritizing our relationship with God over distractions and busyness.
3. Matthew 28:19 (The Great Commission) – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”
• The call to spiritual maturity through discipleship and spreading Jesus’ message.
4. Matthew 5:48 – “Be perfect (fully mature), therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
• Robert discusses how spiritual maturity is about growing in Christ, not achieving perfection.
5. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) – A model for prayer, trust, and dependence on God.
Call to Action:
If this episode resonated with you, make sure to subscribe to the Curious for Christ podcast and leave a review! Share this episode with anyone who might benefit from Robert’s story and insights on turning pain into purpose.
If you desire a deeper connection with God and want to align your life with His will with confidence and clarity, I invite you to a free 15-minute conversation with me to explore whether Spiritual Growth Coaching is right for you. Book a time to connect at bit.ly/curiousforchristdiscovery.
Stay curious, keep seeking, and let God transform your life!
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