Jan 06 2025 49 mins
When was the last time we really loved what we were doing? Really loved the art that we set out, however long ago, to create and the art made by others? For some of us (!?!), maybe that was as recently as today, but for many of us, that love has been barricaded deep within us by years of life’s countless convoluting forces. Maybe it feels like it’s left us entirely.
Welcome back to Nah-Cademics! Following a totally planned—though interestingly timed—hiatus after season 2 episode 1, Brett and John are back to discuss whether or not that once winged love of creation in its most basic, recreational forms can be recovered.
-Is it normal for an artist to go through periods of wondering whether or not their creative path has reached a dead end? Is it possible to still forge ahead and rekindle their love for the mere process of creation after lengthy periods of feeling uninspired?
-Is it possible to discern and overcome the countless subtle voices that prevent us from simple acts of creativity in its purest, playful expressions?
-Since it’s apparent that Brett and John haven’t been busy, you know, accomplishing great feats, can we count on them to not take another five month hiatus?
As always, this podcast offers no definitive answers to these questions—except maybe that last one (Answer: Count on us at your own risk. Zelda ain’t gonna play itself, but we’ll do our best). It is but recreational rambling. However, if you see the clock ticking down on the game that you once loved, but feel like you’ve forgotten how to play, this podcast is for you!
Come, overthink with us!
PS) This episode was actually going to be a bit longer than this, but the computer decided to stop recording when even it got tired of hearing us talk. If you’d like to send it a thank you message, you can do so at [email protected].