Jan 28 2025 75 mins
It's that time again, you know.. your favorite time of the week! Time to talk headlines, true crime and scary stories! (14:30) Join us for In the Headlines where we talk about the homeless man bulldozed, lethal injection in prisoners, body found in the woods and the LA fires. (32:00) Lauren brings us a case about Sister Eileen Christie a 72 year old Nun that spent her life investing in the education of children. Sister Eileen was an adventurous, solo traveler that loved the outdoors and was described as a young 72. She was loved and cherished by so many around her. After retiring in 2015, only a year later she decided to take a trip to Austria, a place she had traveled to many times. But this trip would be her last. Sister Eileen mysteriously goes unheard from for 3 days before her nephew that she emailed everyday took action. He quickly realized she never checked out of 1 place and into the next, red flag, and everything was left behind in her room. The police suspect she drowned in a lake but there isn't much evidence of that or was it the suspicious Inn Keeper? What really happen the Sister Eileen? (1:05:00) Stick around to hear all the creepy goosebump scary stories Brittney has for you!
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