Oct 30 2023 9 mins
Ever found yourself struggling with a problem, only to realize you've been tackling it from the wrong angle? Let Sarah guide you on an insightful journey through the maze of problem-solving with the help of two engaging characters - Sam, the sock enthusiast, and Max, the IT guru. Stay tuned as Sam embarks on a quest to unravel the mystery of mismatched socks, and Max battles against productivity issues in his company. Both their stories unfold to reveal the crux of their issues and the importance of a thorough needs analysis before seeking solutions.
You can still access the free learning analysis tool. You will hear about 10 micro-assessment/practical methods such as surveys, polls, interviews, and feedback cards to help you determine whether training is the answer.
Please share, like, and comment on our podcast, which helps us reach new horizons. You can check out my online portfolio in the show notes. I appreciate and thank you all for being a part of my expanding podcast family. Until next time, happy problem solving!
Survey Monkey
Microsoft Office
Interactive Training Needs Determinator and Report Generator
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