Jun 03 2024 18 mins
Meet Ms. Tasia Stewart, a doula from the member-owned and -operated Birthmark Doula Collective. She explains just exactly what a doula is and does, and how their services impact the young pregnant people at Covenant House.
- https://www.birthmarkdoulas.com/
- Instagram: @birthmarkdoulas
Tasia G. Stewart Bio:
Tasia G.Stewart (she/her) is a mother of two beautiful children and four dogs. She is currently a member-owner of Birthmark Doula Collective, Doula, Perinatal health Advocate, and Certified Breastfeeding Specialist. After working at Children’s Hospital New Orleans for over fourteen years, she discovered the true care for infants and children began at the womb. She received her doula and placenta encapsulation certificates in 2018. Very shortly after in 2020 with a small cohort she became a Perinatal Health Advocate and breastfeeding specialist with Sister Midwife Productions. Her eagerness for growth in her maternal healthcare community prevailed as she became in 2021 the contracted Doula Coordinator for Covenant House and Maternal Pathways New Orleans.
Red Bean Baby talks about a lot of difficult, potentially triggering things. Take care of yourself and your mental health. Learn about more resources here on our website (https://www.covenanthousenola.org/issues/mental-health-wellness/).
Dr. Corine Brown, or Dr. C’Ma, a social worker and friend of Covenant House, can help you access more resources. Meet Dr. C’Ma here: https://themindbodyservicecollective.com/
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