Feb 25 2024 119 mins
Join in on the conversation as it starts with MFM AKA Marc Frank Montoya talking about shooting snowboarding in Alaska. The conversation continue's on with us discussing plan's for the MFM interview. Marco did not want some 6 hour interview that was just to hard to digest but he had lots to share with the snowboard community. Not just his story as a pro but also his story beyond snowboarding for a living and preparing for what would be next. So join us as we plan out what we will do with MFM on the Stonie's Buds Show. If you have been living in a cave for the last 15 years and don't know who MFM is then take this as an opportunity to be enlightened. MFM was the best thing to happen to snowboarding well, since snowboarding. Hahah, as Marc used to always say Forlido as in For real Though... just sit back and enjoy!!!!
E-Stone - @Stonies_Buds
Marc Frank Montoya- @marcfrankmontoya
Tina Basich- @tina_basich_haller
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Thanks to all of our Patreon members for the support as well as being a part of the Stonie's Buds Family!!! For more information on Patreon check it out here. https://www.patreon.com/StoniesBuds
New Stonie's Buds Merch at www.stoniesbuds.com
Special Thanks--
Moonchild- https://moonchildsnowboards.com
Gnomie Mugz - https://gnomiemugz.com
Stonie Budz Print Shop - https://307o96449135872.3dcartstores.com
Fart Boyz- https://fartboyz.com