Dec 18 2024 22 mins 136
Bigger isn't always better. In this episode of The REWORK Podcast, 37signals’ co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson share the drawbacks of chasing high-profile, enterprise deals. The two founders explain why they prefer their business model that's built around serving smaller clients.
Key Takeaways:
- 00:35 – The biggest clients can quickly become the biggest burden and the biggest risk
- 07:10 – The hidden costs of “whale-sized” clients
- 12:35 – Things to consider when defining your ideal client
- 17:02 – Knowing what types of clients you'll enjoy working with
- 19:53 – How venture capital funding can make a difference when choosing your ideal clients
Links and Resources:
- "Don't have a biggest customer" from Jason Fried's HEY World
- "A Static Business is a Healthy Business" from Jason Fried's HEY World
- Books by 37signals
- 30-day free trial of HEY
- Sign up for a 30-day free trial at
- HEY World | HEY
- The REWORK podcast
- The Rework Podcast on YouTube
- The 37signals Dev Blog
- 37signals on YouTube
- @37signals on X