Jane Sagui: How She Turned Her Experience with Chronic Illness into a Successful Women’s Health App

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Jan 05 2024 77 mins  

Jane Sagui is the Co-Founder and CEO of the successful health app Pollie, which is revolutionising how PCOS and other chronic health issues are treated. Jane suffered from symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome for years before she received her diagnosis in her early 20s. She found that she had to visit many doctors and conduct her own research to help her design a system of treatment and build a medical team to overcome her health issues.

In this episode, we talk about her journey of discovering her illness, the debilitating symptoms along the way and take a fun look at Jungian psychology and personality tests. We also talk about the concept of femininity in society and the social stigma that comes with PCOS. Jane also gives us many insights into how Pollie works and what it takes to run the app successfully.

About Pollie

After a successful career in the start up world, Jane came to the conclusion that no women should have to go through the painstakingly long process of building a holistic treatment plan for PCOS. She co-founded the app Pollie which has been successful in helping women manage complex conditions and symptoms in between doctors’ visits.

Pollie takes an evidence-backed approach that seeks to treat the root cause of many chronic illnesses, such as PCOS, endometriosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome. You can find out more about Pollie on their website pollie.co.


Social Media

Pollie’s Instagram: @pollie.co

Pollie’s X: @pollieco

Jane’s Instagram: @janesagui

Jane’s X: @jsagui


Email Pollie: [email protected]


Trigger Warning

Brief mentions of anxiety.