Jan 30 2025 23 mins
In this first episode we go back to Matthew 28 to be reminded that our primary role as parents is to be disciples of Jesus making disciples in our home. One of the best ways to do so is in establishing regular rhythms of pursuing Jesus together and that's what "Time, Moments & Milestones" is all about. This episode starts the discussion on Time, what it is and examples of what it could look like in your family's schedules.
Family Discipleship: https://www.amazon.com/dp/143356629X/?bestFormat=true&k=family%20discipleship%20matt%20chandler&ref_=nb_sb_ss_w_scx-ent-pd-bk-d_de_k0_1_11&crid=3P9RLOVRFXUVC&sprefix=family%20disc
Hey Everyone! Welcome to the Intentional Parenting Podcast! Intentional Parenting is an initiative created by The Church at Rocky Peak to provide parents with resources and opportunities for community with other parents to better equip and unleash you to help your kids become passionate Christ followers. For more information please check out our website at rockypeak.org/parenting .