Oct 20 2024 36 mins
In part two, we continue our deep dive into our homeschool positivity sandwich.
Patience and flexibility are the hot topic of today's chat. Dropping a very specific 'school' structure can be so empowering, but at the same time... confusing. Learning how to plan your days, or knowing when to drop them to stay home instead takes time to learn (and unlearn!)
The media sometimes make it into the not-so-nice part of this sandwich, as well as those people in our lives who just 'don't get it'.
Don't worry, it's not all bad! We finish off with how homeschooling encourages a life-long love of learning and the 'glimmers' that come along to reassure us that we are meant to be on this homeschooling path.
Do you have a good, bad or ugly experience of homeschooling?
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