Hello, and welcome back to Random Thoughts from a Random Mind. I am Mitchell Frogge. In Act IV, Scene II of Henry VI, Part II William Shakespeare had Dick the Butcher say, “The first thing we do is, let’s kill all the lawyers”, we think Will was kidding. Even if he wasn’t, it’s too late now because the first thing has already been done over and over again and it is never killing lawyers. Today there are so many lawyers, and they multiple so fast that we could no more kill all the lawyers than we could kill all the cold germs. But what if the next thing we did after the next first thing we do is to kill all the lawyers? That is why in the story, “Next, we kill all the lawyers”, I spend so much time explaining what the first thing is. That first thing is convicted killers in prison are dying, and no one knows why. So let me take you through what is happening, state by state, in “Next, we kill all the lawyers.”