Nov 20 2024 16 mins
Today I have the pleasure of welcoming Hannah Edwards, who is the director of Empowered VA Services.
Before setting up her VA business, Hannah worked in care from 2012 until COVID. She started as a support worker, was promoted to team leader and then a senior team leader over time. When she made the decision, she wanted to grow her VA business, she moved to a care company which meant she could work shifts as and when needed.
Sadly, not only did COVID hit, but also growing health issues of her own forced her to give up the care work, which she enjoyed.
Hannah talks about being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and how it affects her life, every single day. Also, she explains just how much medication she has to take, plus the side effects – when she remembers.
Talking about her VA business, Hannah shares a wonderful Barbie analogy, which leads on to her gaining her Business Degree earlier this year.
We also have a conversation about ADHD and the fact that many of us may have aspects of this. Hannah’s doctor thinks she may also have aspects of it – as she is always on the go, although she does not have the hyperactivity, which other people who we both know, do exhibit.
Hannah also talks about growing up and being underestimated for her abilities – which again, many of us are, purely because of where we come from – but the positive being, we can all achieve.
Find out more about Hannah Edwards at