Jan 28 2025 48 mins
In this episode, we examine what has, historically speaking, been one of the most challenging passages in the New Testament for believers and for the Church as a whole. So we’re going to get into some deep water today and try to do it some justice. (Or at least give us some things to think about.) This passage is going to bring us directly into the controversial “once saved always saved” discussion and our assurance of salvation. At the beginning of chapter 5 the author began demonstrating how the New Covenant of Christ is superior to the Old Covenant made at Sinai and how Jesus is a greater high priest than even Aaron. But he’s going to pause that discussion in today’s passage to issue a stern warning to his readers.
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00:00 Introduction - A challenging passage
02:13 Passage: Hebrews 5:11–6:8
05:21 Spiritual Maturity (Heb. 5:11–14)
21:17 Warning Against Apostasy (6:1-8)