Jun 03 2024 46 mins
Ever wondered why it seems like everyone else has it better? On this episode we unearth the mystery behind the idiom "The Grass Is Always Greener."
Is it really greener on the other side of the fence or is your neighbor's greener lawn and life is just a trick of perspective? We talk about bad boy poets, classic country songs, the science of your lawn, and social media pressures on this episode. Plus, don't miss our bloopers good laugh.
Get ready for an emotive episode! Envy, jealousy, comparison, schadenfreude, but don’t forget a whole lot of happiness and laughter too!
Interact with us at [email protected].
What did you like and what would you want to see in the future? Which idiom do you want us to explore next time? If you have any insight on today's topic, something I missed or didn’t get right, or if you want to be featured in a future What the Idiom? segment let me know.
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Show References
Atlas of the Heart- Brene Brown
The Grass Is Always Greener In Another Fellows Yard
Billy Jones sings "The Grass Is Always Greener (In the Other Fellow's Yard)," words by Raymond B. Egan, music by Richard A. Whiting. Released September 1924.