Recorded December 14, 2024.
To end the year - a teisho on the Buddha’s teaching — and a flower!
It should come as no surprise that Zen tradition sees the Buddha as the original Zen Master, someone who teaches by demonstrating and presenting, rather than simply by lecturing, or talking “about.” The Buddha offers living truth, not philosophy. Like the monk in the final Zen Oxherding picture, he enters the marketplace of human life with helping hands. Which sounds pretty good. Who doesn't need help? But what does such help look like? What kind of help does the enlightened Buddha offer?
To clarify, let’s look at Gateless Barrier, case # 6: “The Buddha Holds Up a Flower.”
Books referenced:
- The Gateless Barrier: The Wu-Men Kuan (Mumonkan) translated and with a Commentary by Robert Aikten
- A Zen Life of Buddha by Rafe Martin
Photo credit: Flower by Rafe Martin
- Books by Roshi Rafe Martin
- Talks on YouTube
- More information at