Aug 14 2024 61 mins
Today we are talking with Jordan who is a candidate in his late 30s and He has been through multiple unit specific selection events and was selected after multiple attempts but unforeseeable circumstances he had to give up his spot.
Now he is looking to come back in again and give it another shot. Through this conversation he discusses all of the challenges and tests he had to go through in order to be selected as well as the key traits the units were looking for in selecting a member to their team.
Not only does he discuss key selection criteria from the cadre perspective, but also the feedback his team gave to him during the process. An important and often overlooked aspect of selection is the peer review process. What happens at selection does NOT stay at selection and will likely follow you through your career. Make sure you are putting your best foot forward.
This episode is great for any candidate to listen to what got him selected but especially for those who are looking to go into a guard or reserve team as an older candidate. In addition we will discuss three key traits of what makes a person a good candidate in special operations.
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