Jun 21 2024 49 mins
In this fourth conversation with William S Whorton, I ask him about one of the formative experiences of his life that I have had the privilege of reading about, Bill's first encounter with the TRANSCENDENT through the music that came into his life as he walked past the Second Baptist Church one Sunday in his hometown as a teenager. Bill then went on to become the only white member of this church, and to meet spirit through music that took him beyond ordinary consciousness. We also talk about the role of enchantment on the way of practice and of the lasting impact of Bill's experience as part of that congregation, and on the need for openness on a path of genuine spiritual inquiry. The photo here is of Bill with the Men's Chorus of the Second Baptist Church, Junction City Kansas in 1958 You can read Bill's moving and inspring VIGNETTE about the richness and lasting impact of his experiences with the 2nd Baptist Church here: https://jamesboagyoga.com/blog-articles/blog-draft-1/