Jul 03 2024 26 mins
In this episode, I sit down with therapist and author Caitlin Sigouin to tackle the heavy but important topic of helping children understand and cope with death. As a mom who recently lost my grandma and previously lost my dad, I share my own experiences navigating grief with my kids. Caitlin offers fantastic insights on how children process loss differently than adults, and gives practical tips for talking to kids about death in an age-appropriate way.
We chat about using everyday moments in nature to introduce the concept, recommend some great children's books on the topic, and discuss how to balance your own grief as a parent while supporting your child. Caitlin also shares a sneak peek of her upcoming children's book "A Rainbow of Feelings" which aims to help kids express all their emotions.
This conversation gets real about a tough subject, but Caitlin's expertise and compassion make it super approachable. Whether you're dealing with a loss or just want to be prepared, you'll come away with helpful strategies for having these important talks with your little ones. Tune in for an honest, casual chat about an topic we all face eventually as parents.
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Here's to Getting it Together one day at a time,
Jessica & Samantha