Jun 20 2024 46 mins
Paula shares a solo episode about the return on investment (ROI) from showing up authentically. She talks about how being authentic has paid off for her and how she has, specifically, gotten the return on her investment. She shares personal stories about how showing up authentically and putting that into practice as her regular every day existence has changed her life. Let’s just say that it has paid off in every way! Everything about her life is different and better! She hopes you enjoy this episode and hopes by listening you are inspired to make changes to show up as your truest self. Please leave a review and let her know if it resonated with you!
Paula coaches people who are ready to make changes in their lives on how to cultivate self-love, believe in themselves, uncover their life purpose, and embrace their authentic selves, by clearing patterns of unworthiness and self-loathing, rewiring limiting beliefs, and learning how to put themselves first. She does this through energetic, mindset, and somatic work and shifts, and helping her clients reconnect with their intuition. Book a free discovery call with Paula using this link: https://www.reikiflowmn.com/services.
Connect with Paula:
Business website: https://www.reikiflowmn.com/
Email: [email protected]
FB: https://www.facebook.com/paulanschuster/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/paula_nicole_71/
Podcast website: https://www.scaredasfuckanddoingitanyway.com/
MUD\WTR 15% off discount link mudwtr.com/PAULASCHUSTER
The Scared As Fuck And Doing It Anyway FB group is coming soon!