Jun 04 2024 18 mins
I discuss why cyber risk is not insurable considering 6 factors:
1. Large number of exposure units;
2. Accidental / Random and unintentional loss;
3. Determinable and measurable loss;
4. No (ruinous) catastrophic loss;
6. Economically feasible premium.
If there is only one "NO", then the risk (cyber risk in this case) is not insurable.
My LinkedIn home page is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barryrabkin/
The first book I wrote about the insurance industry and technology is titled:
"From Stone Tablets to Satellites: The Continual Intimate but Awkward Relationship Between the Insurance Industry and Technology"
It is available on Amazon in several formats: Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover, and Audible.
Please send me topics that you would like me to discuss to my LinkedIn page or by commenting on my WordPress blog about podcasts: https://rabkinsopinions.com/2024/01/09/updated-announcement-a-podcast-series-launched-by-barry-rabkin-in-january-2024/