- When going door-to-door, think of building trust as climbing three steps:
- Are You Normal?
- Quickly establish common ground and relatability
- Prepare a brief introduction showing you're part of the community
- Can You Do the Job?
- Ask an open-ended question to engage voters, such as:
- "If you had the power to change one thing in our state, what would it be?"
- "Imagine you're governor for a day - what's the first thing you'd change?"
- Listen to their response and be prepared to discuss issues thoughtfully
- Have your own answer ready to showcase your plan and principles
- Ask an open-ended question to engage voters, such as:
- Will You Help Me If I Need You?
- Follow up on previous concerns
- Explain how you're working to improve issues they care about
- Share stories of how you've helped constituents in the past
- Practice your responses to ensure they feel natural and sincere
- Use this three-step approach to turn brief doorstep encounters into lasting voter support
For more tips on effective door-to-door campaigning techniques, refer to the accompanying one-page PDF.
Winning Edge gives you the tools you need to lead and influence in the political and policy arenas. Every other week, Winning Edge releases short (approximately 5-minute) spots—or “snacks”—focused on one of four areas: fundraising, media, policy, or persuasion.
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