- Close elections happen frequently, with some decided by just 1 or 2 votes
- Door-to-door campaigning is a secret weapon for reaching undecided voters
- Personal follow-up with a handwritten postcard can leave a lasting impression
Postcard Strategy:
- Order postcards with campaign logo/picture on one side
- Write three lines:
- Friendly reminder
- Personal connection or issue focus
- Clear ask for their vote
Postcard Templates:
- Personal Connection
- Issue-Focused Connection
- Generic Connection
- Focus on undecided voters (5-8 cards per door-to-door session)
- Set up a writing station for efficiency
- Write cards soon after conversations
- Mail postcards 10-14 days before the election
- Takes only 90 seconds to write
- Gives voters a clear reason to support you
- Can make the difference in close races
For more tips on effective personal follow-up strategies, refer to the accompanying one-page PDF.
Winning Edge gives you the tools you need to lead and influence in the political and policy arenas. Every other week, Winning Edge releases short (approximately 5-minute) spots—or “snacks”—focused on one of four areas: fundraising, media, policy, or persuasion.
For more, visit our website: www.thecommonwealthpartners.com